Sycamore Lane Media Specialist Kim Brown received a Bright Ideas Educational Grant from Lumbee River EMC for her “Readers in Bloom” project. The project started as an idea, but with the help of LREMC, it is now a reality for the students at Sycamore Lane.
Sycamore Lane showcased the Reading Garden at its Community Day Event earlier this year in April. The Reading Garden, located outside the media center, features literacy stations for students where they can work individually or cooperatively in groups. Books are available and easily accessible for students to read in the garden, seated beside their reading buddies. Students can play scrabble, create stories using the magnetic storyboards, and quiz each other on vocabulary flashcards used to review sight words.
“The Scotland County Master Gardeners helped our students and parents with the planting and design. It was a group effort that really showcased the community partnership with Lumbee River EMC, our school, our community, and our school families,” Brown shared.
Support for youth and education is part of our continued commitment to building a brighter future for the communities we serve. Lumbee River EMC partners with outstanding educators to bring creative learning to life.
David Spencer, LREMC communications specialist, attended Sycamore Lane’s Community day on behalf of the cooperative. “It was great seeing so many young people excited about picking up a book,” Spencer said. “The Reading Garden is a great way to motivate the children to read more.”
Teachers can apply for a Bright Ideas education grant to fund projects that enhance student success in K-12 classrooms and would otherwise not be possible. Grants are available in all curriculum areas, including art, science, history, and mathematics. LREMC expects to award approximately $20,000 in grants to local teachers during the 2022-2023 school year.
Bright Ideas grant applications will be accepted through Sept. 15. Teachers who submit their applications by Aug. 15 will be entered to win one of five $100 Visa gift cards. Applications and more information about the program can be found at
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